Freak show
Decidedly, this night was not mine.
I started dreaming that my house was on fire. I was in the kitchen, the top one, then suddenly I noticed a spark. A spark? Nay, a veritable volcano raged between the counter and the row of cabinets. MY GOD! I turned on the fields and I shouted to my brother: SORS FUCKING OUTSIDE THE HOUSE WILL BURN! With vigor astral, I raised brother and ran down the stairs to the outside. Then my mind strove to more tortuous paths. Nooo! We forgot the photo album! I went back to the kitchen, in an ultimate goal: to brave the flames to retrieve my treasure, my precious, I made a personal matter. Yes I know, no one leaves her photo albums in the kitchen but in my dream was like that, that you want! And ... Surprise! The fire was put out, no trace of burns, in good French "is any Cleancut. Heads out the window, I stretch my arms in a big hello to the little Last, YOU CAN BRING THE FIRE IS LIFE!
Probably disturbed by the incident and the bizarre situation, my imagination ran down to a second "dream". I was at my aunt that I see a time in 3 years. Except it was not at home, and there was a stranger, the boyfriend of my cousin. Talk talk, chatter chatter, that dream was pretty mundane and nothing attracted my attention nothing special except the fact that three bunk beds stood in the room where we were discussing and that such primates, we had clambered . In my absolute logic, I say internally: "What a good idea, three beds, I guess it's cheap!" The stupidity hitherto relatively Reach on its peak when my uncle told us his desire to take a walk in the woods. Opening the door, so I found myself immediately in a small wooden summer rather country and a deer came up to us. MY GOD! This deer was MORON. In its blank, he had a long blade, a type of sword. This could be particularly dangerous in the event it decides to load. No sooner had I finished my thought I saw him leap and my brother found it hard to avoid a "cudjatisation snapshot. He escaped with a cut on his calf. Was now my turn, the scene was magnificent: a 5-foot deer, and more panache, was a beast. Escape was impossible and I was surprised at the ease with which he caught me. Like a Neo in Matrix movie, I avoided the edge of his blade. You know the password or it folds back to 90 degrees from behind? Eh bah next to me was nothing, I assure you. My uncle showed up at the right time. Valiant knight, dark, open mouth to this nameless abomination. As a stallion, the deer stood up on his hind legs and his sharp sectionnat my uncle in 3 or 4 parts leaving a thick flow control for blood red. My sadistic mind, my Thanatos bolted. J'eu entitled to a slower version and "gore" in any detail. Decidedly, the dream turned into a nightmare and not having the strength to face the beast, I opened my eyes instinctively. I sat, sweating in the middle of my bed and was thinking seriously to abandon for good any LSD.