was autumn. Gradually, the cold settled and urban dwellers migrated unconsciously, the bike bus. When the young woman of 25 years came in with a child who would do a good third of his age, the only place left was the one behind the old lady. They settled then waited for the next stop. The story does not say if it does take the bus but still is it that the youth was a small crucifix. From behind, he amused his legs too short to hit the legs of the old. The lady asked politely to the child's mother to stop beating. For answer she had the right to: sorry madam but I raise my child without restrictions, I let him do what he wants when he wants and it has to carry him right from wrong. When the time came to land himself a big bearded dislodged from the bottom of the bus approached the mother and slapped her cheek. As a question, the lady looked at the man's deep eyes. The bearded man replied my mother raised me without restrictions.
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