CAMIF always much attention. Some news reports this week:
- RMC http://www.rmc.fr/edito/info/64671/camif-ouverture-d-une-enquete-preliminaire/
- France Info: http://www.france-info.com/spip.php?article214038&theme=9&sous_theme=11
- France 3 (including the video and the interview with Maxime Garcia. To see this, click on "Customers affected: preliminary inquiry" into the middle of the page): http
: / / limousin-poitou-charentes.france3.fr/info/47844164-fr.php
- Le Figaro 24/11: http://www.lefigaro.fr/conso/2008/ 11/24/05007-20081124ARTFIG00478-camif-clients-leses-.php
- The Dispatch 21/11: http://www.ladepeche.fr/article/2008/11/21/495791-Colomiers-Les- fuzzy-de-la-se-Camif bristle-and-bear-plainte.html
- The Dispatch 19/11: http://www.ladepeche.fr/article/2008/11/19/494893-Niort-Camif-une-enquete-judiciaire-ouverte.html
- The New Republic 19 / about 11 other subsidiaries: http://www.lanouvellerepublique.fr/dossiers/actu/index.php?dos=camif&num=86331
- Var-Matin: http://www.varmatin.com / ra/toulon/158400/toulon-les-consommateurs-ont-plus-que-jamais-besoin-d-assistance
- Challenges: http://www.challenges.fr/depeches/politique_economique/20081118.FAP3041/ enquete_preliminaire_apres_des_plaintes_de_clients_suiv.html
Consumer groups:
60 Million Consumers preparing a long article dedicated to CAMIF for one of its upcoming issues (probably in January, seen delays). I emailed to 800 of you (those living in the Paris region and recorded in the database) an invitation for a group photo at the premises of the association. You are at last likely to be very positive response ... so much so that the premises in question appear to be too small (but a solution is found, continue to register!).
Finally while speaking something other than CAMIF (feels good) ... here are some statistics:
- You are 63% to use Windows XP, Windows Vista 25%, 6% MacOsX, Linux 3.5%, 2 , 5% Windows 2000.
- On the last 2 weeks, this blog has received 23,000 visits, 15,500 unique visitors.
- 61% of you use IE (Internet Explorer), against 32% for Firefox.
- An anecdote: a person looked on Google the following keywords: "That means tissue Bachetta" ... and landed on CAMIF SOS (9th position in the list of results)!
good week!
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