Hello and happy new year 2009!
For a long time since I last posted on this blog, but I'm still alive, do not worry;)
Also, I did not have much to teach you, then it was worth perhaps better to be silent! With
the traditional January sales which retailers and the media we fold the ear begins the most original liquidation stores CAMIF.
Starting with the January 12 Niort:
http://www.interencheres.com/ventes_aux_encheres/RESULT_vente_venir_1clic.php?rm=1&form_id_sscat=0&form_region=79&vue=liste & ; odb_a = dateorder ss_a = asc & & = 20 # nav num_art
For the record, here's the kitchen that I ordered (but not burgundy, natural oak only):

Other stores are liquidated during the same week, for example that of Annecy
Also, Michael J. (Thank you to him) tells me that "The Mountain" (local newspaper) in its edition of January 5 (page 27) announces the auction of furniture from the store Camif Clermont-Ferrand-Cournon .
description here:
For other stores, search by department on the site http://www.interencheres.com/
It is obviously regrettable and shameful that customers do not get injured do Would that priority in the purchase of these items and stock exposure, despite the repeated requests of many people, including employees, from me Dutour.
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