Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pain Near Belly Buttonafterc Section

Sweaters, hats, gloves scarves and ponchos .... cookie season.

Traditionally after the logs, snails, foie gras and capon, comes the cake.

Here is the recipe my 2010 version, a recipe that I remain faithful, it is more than delicious.

If the snow is rarer in recent times in Lorraine, cold winter raging for two days.
So to stick to the weather, here's a new shortbread to enjoy the warm tea.

And then as I have not done so already, I wish you a beautiful year. That 2011 brings you only the small pleasures that brighten your day.

recipe of pastry dough, I advise you again that lemon as it really is perfect.

For forms, I gave myself the trouble of making cardboard templates with no punch in the form of clothing.

For the frosting white of an egg, a good amount of icing sugar beaten with a fork and a little food coloring.


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