Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tie Converse Double Laces

Customers reimbursed?!


In CAMIF news today, the "point" Luc Chatel, a spokesman for the government, their customers CAMIF.

It was enough for some media announce that "customers are reimbursed" ... a fine example of misinformation. In fact, nothing new under the sun: only customers who paid after October 23 (hence a small percentage!) Are reimbursed. For other

... Tintin!

Here are some articles of the day on this subject:

Note also that section of Paris: http://www.leparisien.fr/tous-les-debats/je-suis-une-victime-collaterale-de-la-camif-24-11-2008-320571. php

Happy reading.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Jennifer Love Hewitt Wearing Nike

Press Review Sunday


CAMIF always much attention. Some news reports this week:




Consumer groups:

60 Million Consumers preparing a long article dedicated to CAMIF for one of its upcoming issues (probably in January, seen delays). I emailed to 800 of you (those living in the Paris region and recorded in the database) an invitation for a group photo at the premises of the association. You are at last likely to be very positive response ... so much so that the premises in question appear to be too small (but a solution is found, continue to register!).

Finally while speaking something other than CAMIF (feels good) ... here are some statistics:

  • You are 63% to use Windows XP, Windows Vista 25%, 6% MacOsX, Linux 3.5%, 2 , 5% Windows 2000.
  • On the last 2 weeks, this blog has received 23,000 visits, 15,500 unique visitors.
  • 61% of you use IE (Internet Explorer), against 32% for Firefox.
  • An anecdote: a person looked on Google the following keywords: "That means tissue Bachetta" ... and landed on CAMIF SOS (9th position in the list of results)!

good week!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Panasonic Plasma Directv Programing

Prosecutors opened an investigation of Niort

Your engagement is bearing fruit! Here is the text of the AFP dispatch published this afternoon:

DEPECHE AFP (18/11/2008 to 19 hours)
Camif individuals: an investigation after complaints from customers

The Niort prosecutor decided Tuesday to open a preliminary inquiry after complaints from customers who have not received their orders placed with Personal Camif, a company specializing in distance selling and placed in receivership.

"The prosecution Inter took the Directorate of Judicial Police to conduct a preliminary inquiry, "said prosecutor Niort, Xavier Pavageau in a communiqué.Depuis several weeks, the court has received" more than a hundred customer complaints and a complaint from a consumer association claiming they did not receive delivery of goods purchased when they have paid all or part of the price, "it said."

The purpose of the survey is to verify beyond the simple fact that clients were not delivered, there is no other behavior that could be incriminated by law, "he told reporters the prosecutor.

The mere fact that customers were not delivered is not a criminal offense," he said. But justice wants to know if the leaders of Personal Camif n have not pursued such orders and cash a check knowing that the company would close. "

The announcement of the liquidation has stayed the execution of shipments of goods purchased, "the prosecutor recalled that invites customers to declare" their claims with the liquidator.

Personal Camif, 780 employees, branch number of three French Distance Selling Camif SA, was placed on Oct. 27 in receivership.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Free Milena Velba Bus

Shares of E-litigation. Com


I note that the association E-litige.com application by way of press release to open a criminal investigation. You will find this news on their forum here: http://www.e-litige.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=2486

It also offers a sample letter to contact your members by mail or email: http://www.e-litige.com/fiches/LAR/courrier_depute_CAMIFParticuliers.doc
You can attach the following document, which contains two proposed changes in legislation: http://www.e-litige.com/fiches/LAR/Communique_Presse_E-litige.pdf

The details of your MP is available on the website of the National Assembly: http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/13/qui/circonscriptions/

Monday, November 10, 2008

Candida Glabrata Streptococcus Group B

CAMIF SA "not wish to remain indifferent to the problems (sic) of the members'

According to an article published today on the website of the New Republic ( http://www.lanouvellerepublique. com / files / news / index.php? back CAMIF = & num = 85542 ) CAMIF SA would soon commission a "number of members to help" ... counseling? financial assistance? Humanitarian Aid first aid for camif's-inisters?

Suspense ... if you have "problems" to solve, the answer soon at (no surcharge)
05 56 48 30 39
(local call rate)

CAMIF A catalog 2008-2009 offered by SOS free CAMIF first three appellants, along with a check off of respectively 60, 30 and 15 €!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Over The Counter Benzo

CAMIF's family ... no comment

I leave you to read the following statement ... everyone will own opinion ...

I remember the testimony of one of us has a unique order number for articles from two subsidiaries .... his testimony here ...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What Stores Sell Shrink Wrap

Message November 4

I remind you that the forum is now this:
You can open an account with a pseudonym if you want any part in the discussions.

I urge you to give them any useful information to other members (do not send them to me directly because I can not answer any requests for publication), for example if:
- You have undertaken individual action: letters to judges, major consumer groups, governments, banks, media, CAMIF SA.
- You have recovered your money, and how. Know that cashing a check can be long because it goes through the clearing house (
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compensation ). The indication to debit your account is not an absolute guarantee that the money was actually credited to CAMIF. Ask your bank to absolutely tell you the status of your check if it is recent, and made opposition.
- You brought a criminal complaint with the Prosecutor of the Republic, claiming to have been misled when purchasing. This act may lead to the initiation of an investigation into how the sales were made before the liquidation
- You have recovered your goods via a delivery person or the provider.

Also I want to briefly respond to some criticisms of "passivity", and also those who send me thanks.
Even if I do not give up, unfortunately I can actually not do everything alone, because of time and expertise.
I am counting on each of thousands of people mobilized by this blog (or other media) to act individually and that in many ways: contacts with consumer associations, media, authorities, criminal complaints, etc. ...

Does each of you has done all this?

Many do it and he should thank them, not me. It is the sum of all these actions that count.

The goal of the blog is to share all available information. The partnership with e-litige.com has the advantage of providing legal responses more accurate and maintain a nice forum and moderate.

The database of customers https: / / soscamif.dabbledb.com / page / soscamif / EzfSdVCN is an important evidence of your determination.
The second database, which lists the reasons for late delivery ( https: / / soscamif.dabbledb.com / page / reportsdelivraisoncamif / iGZyUuFL ) is important to understand what happened to CAMIF recent months ...

I am sincerely sorry if you think it does not move enough but I do not pretend to move mountains through a single blog, just add a stone among others in the building.
I can not replace me in a few days to strong consumer associations as 60 million or UFC-Que Choisir, which - hopefully - will give echo to the voice of aggrieved consumers quickly if we are sufficiently many ask. If they do not move in this case, they clearly fail at their mission.

In addition, employees and suppliers have contacted me personally to witness and discuss with me about their plight and what they experienced. I also encourage them to publish their stories on the forum. All course share our righteous indignation and their words are even harder than yours. Many had great respect for "members". All to account those responsible.

Finally, concerning the disposal of stores, according to our information, it is likely that everything is returned to Niort. I invite you to write to the legal representative to request keeping the goods in each local store, and if there is wind, to do for customers of the store, and primarily those affected by the bankruptcy.

Thank you all,


Monday, November 3, 2008

Pregnant And Birth Games

e-litige.com: effective partnership

Our partnership with e-litige.com the association is now effective.

You will find on page www.e-litige.com/actualites/camif_liquidation.php the essential information to know in order to assert your rights. Additional information will be added regularly.

Also thank you for continuing the discussions on the group directly on the Google forum associated here: http://www.e-litige.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=41&sid=87fcf0dd03cd02e4a9bf4f18ddd75a38

Saturday, November 1, 2008

How To Takeaway Period Pane

Information - 1st November 2008

Partnership with the association e-litige.com ( http:// www.e-litige.com )
To better answer all the questions that arise around the liquidation of CAMIF Individuals, and thus increase the effectiveness of our action, I am pleased to announce that the association e-litige.com will help us in different ways:
- Editorial accurate information to help you through your rights and procedures, by qualified lawyers.
- defending our rights with the authorities concerned.
- hosting and facilitating a forum dedicated to the liquidation of CAMIF site e-litigation. A special area should be operational within 24 hours.
- you can already start golds to visit http://www.e-litige.com/actualites/camif_liquidation.php

Google Group: migration e-forum to dispute
Many of you you be inscribed on the newsgroup SOS CAMIF: http://groups.google.com/group/sos-camif

However I realize that this group is not the easiest to use for many of you. I would note that you can disable the automatic sending of emails from your profile.
Moreover, discussions would need to be organized by themes (banks, suppliers, criminal actions, media, etc..) And moderate.

For these reasons, I decided to abandon this group to migrate to the forum more classic http://www.e-litige.com/forum as announced earlier, when November 3.
Sheets information (called "pages" on the group) will also be transferred.

Suppliers: pass the info
Many of you search for the supplier of your furniture not delivered. To this end I created a list here:
Please help me to complete it in m 'sending an email (subject: SUPPLIER) if you have any info.
I also draw from all providers on this blog (there) to come forward if necessary.

this subject, and to illustrate the difficulties of small (ex-) CAMIF providers, you will find here the testimony of one of them by clicking here .

Checks: try!
Some customers were able to check their recent reversal ... always try to contact your bank. The mechanisms underlying bank can reveal surprises. Ditto for BC.

surprising: a mixed order "CAMIF Individuals" and "Communities CAMIF!
A member has a unique order number for articles from two subsidiaries .... his testimony here ... you said "nothing to do"?

Consumer associations
Many of you are trying to interest the major consumer associations to defend your rights ... but still not enough maybe.
Know they still interested in the issue, and that you are grouping by department to contact your local, things could move quickly.