CAMIF customers who have already filed their claims with the liquidator, Mr Dutour, in principle, have all received this letter today:
John Gilles DUTOUR
Mandatory Judicial
expert diagnosis Corporate
4 Rue de la Gare 79000 Niort Platform telephone
Tel .
Tel .
NIORT, December 5, 2008
I speak as Mandatory Liquidator of SA CAMIF SPECIAL located Trevin Chauray 79045 Niort, declared in liquidation by order of the Commercial Court dated 27 October 2008.
You have ordered to SA CAMIF INDIVIDUALS as a client. I was appointed by the Tribunal de Commerce de Niort to manage the consequences of the management of the company which led to its liquidation judiciary.
Since my appointment I have had to deal with the problems posed by 780 employees not paid their last month of work, I asked former executives to provide me with a situation of each client. To date, I am not able to get a precise answer, which explains this post.
assets of AS INDIVIDUALS CAMIF will not pay all liabilities which is the first wage liabilities to be settled.
I could with difficulty
propose solutions - to return checks uncashed (2500 customers),
- to send parcels to affected customers located on the waterfront (8000 customers),
- to cancel outstanding from C2C for customers who will not be delivered (7500 customers) ,
- studying the means to return the product S AV.
For customers that have not been delivered and have sent a payment, I advised that they can not be delivered and that, become creditors, they will receive no refund of the liquidation judicial, as I indicated earlier, will be impecunious.
I'm sorry for the customers, but I can not do better, a company that has accumulated a liability of more than 100 million euros and has virtually no assets.
I also indicates that Mr. Prosecutor opened an investigation by the judicial police investigation.
This letter is your Certificate of uncollectible debt.
Please accept, Madam, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.
On the back: copy of letter sent to carriers.
Member of an Association approved the payment of fees by check is accepted
That Niort ... finally something new, we already knew, but the extent of liability (100 million) mentioned by Mr Dutour is quite surprising.
Note also that the date of 26 December (late filings claim) was not expected by me to announce the Dutour color, which is probably better for people who have had the naivete to hope again that side.
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