In early December, here are some biggest news in the news customer aggrieved CAMIF:
- The stabbing of DGCCRF: This state agency has reviewed its position on payments, how much tougher for clients, following a meeting with banks: http://www.dgccrf.bercy.gouv.fr/actualites/docs/camif_261108 . htm
e-litige.com Association has formally requested Luc Chatel hold a meeting with consumer groups on this issue.
- carriers continue to move everyone to the cash drawer. Better yet, that some began to seek reimbursement for deliveries in September and October (well before the liquidation of the CAMIF), as the company that in turn sends arms 80 € bills by invoking a law article . More details on the forum: http://www.e-litige.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=2885&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd = a & = Hilit VIAL
- In the same vein, carriers now charge "storage fees" in addition to often exorbitant shipping costs.
- Others still retain the goods hostage. Some ask to be paid in cash after the so-called fee schedules from the liquidator ( http://www.e-litige.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=2713 ) ... would like cash ... we wonder why?
Would it not time that the DGCCRF put his nose into this can of worms?
Finally I do not think you have even reported the existence of blogs for employees dismissed the CAMIF. They are:
- CAMIF4EVER: http://camif4ever.blog4ever.com/blog/index-256107.html
- CAMIF WANTS TO LIVE: http://camifveutvivre. blog4ever.com/blog/index-256291.html
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